IFood is saying goodbye to Colombia: the company will close activities in December

iFood recently announced that it is leaving Colombia in December, after almost ten years of offering its services in the country. What led the company to reach this conclusion was the economic and social context of Colombians. The region is marred by several demonstrations against the determinations of the current government.

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“It is aboutinonedecisionstrategicwhathe hasas a background the current moment ofMarketplace of capitals”, claimed iFood. Today, Móvile, a Brazilian multinational app and service company, owns the food delivery app. According to data issued by Forbes magazine, the application has already fired about 210 employees after the announcement of the end of activities in Colombian lands.

Another very important piece of data is the date on which the application will go offline. This is scheduled for December 21, 2022. Anyone in the country should take advantage of the last day of operation of iFood.

Why did the app close its doors in Colombia?

One of the Colombian newspapers, Semana, decided to analyze the situation in order to try to understand the departure of so many renowned brands from the country, but were in shock with the announcement made by iFood, as it has been observed that the delivery culture in Colombia is gaining more and more space.

According to Euromonitor data, in a general overview, this is one of the countries in Latin America that has most used food delivery applications. The services fell in love with the Colombian people, but it is impossible not to recognize that the political context ended up making operations difficult.

“(iFood) ifjoin to list of companies that announced yours withdrawal from the Colombia this year, joiningThenames like doctorMartens, who at thestartof month announcedyourexitafter more of ten years of operation.The economic crisis and to therecentvariations of the dollar, as well as the tax reform, are – for now – some of the factors that businessmen are analyzing to verify their projections”, stated the newspaper.

In general, the countryit isfacing you effects of global inflation. With the currency's historic devaluation against the dollar and the unemployment number rising to 10.6%, the news isn't all that surprising. These were just a few more factors that contributed to this decision.

Is there a chance that iFood will close its activities in Brazil?

To the delight of Brazilian consumers, the company issued a statement saying it will continue with its investments in the country where the project was born. The team also completed with a statement that the intention is to grow in Brazil, offering the best type of service and opportunities for its customers and employees.

Currently, the application alone practically takes care of the Brazilian market, having 80% of the market share in the food delivery sector. A company recently increased The yourcompetitivenessperquiteinacquisitionsIt ismovementscommercials.

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