These are the dangers of buying a showcase iPhone

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Buying a new iPhone is an investment that many want to make, but often cannot. In this way, these people resort to cheaper alternatives, such as, for example, the famous iPhones of showcase. However, these devices can cause serious damage. To let you know more about them, here are some of the dangers of display iPhones.

Showcase iPhone and its risks

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According to platform Keyword Tool, every month, more than 12 thousand searches for showcase iPhones are carried out, that's because usually these devices are much cheaper than those purchased directly from Apple or even from big stores.

However, is it really worth saving a little when buying and giving up buying a reliable device with a warranty? Is it really safe to buy devices like these?

In general, the answer is no. These devices can present many problems and what was meant to be an economy, can become a real loss.

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A case worth remembering is that of a boy who acquired such a device and unfortunately ended up going blind in one of his eyes after his device caught fire.

Display fixtures can be the cheap that comes out pretty expensive

When selling these iPhones, stores usually claim that these devices are nothing more than those cell phones that are available in shop windows so that anyone who visits the store can handle them. Therefore, these devices can commonly experience some malfunctions.

Therefore, since it is an electronic device, imagine that you are looking to buy a device that is exposed for anyone to touch.

For this, the device needs to be plugged in for 24 hours and therefore runs the risk of overheating. That is, clearly this device will not have the useful life that a new device would have.

The battery is the first point to go

A new device normally comes with a battery cycle of 500 charge/discharge cycles, but a display device can achieve this very easily. So, this device will be arriving in your hands already with the battery compromised.

In addition, another factor worth remembering is that due to the fact that this device is not inside the box original, with its seal, it is not possible to attest its origin, much less the origin of its parts.

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