Essential food during aging is little known

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Aging is a natural consequence of those who live a long time, but the search for a healthier life guarantees positive consequences in terms of longevity and a reduction in the number of illnesses. This makes people look for foods that prevent aging. You will discover one of them that is little consumed by Brazilians. Read on and see what can slow down this process we don't look forward to so much.

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Aging doesn't have to be painful. Food plays an important role in this process, as it can contribute to the reduction of various diseases. From cardiovascular diseases to the emergence of chronic diseases. In this way, it ends up providing people with a more active life in all aspects.

Nuts: great ally in delaying aging

A study carried out by the National Institute of Health in partnership with other American institutions found that walnuts are great for preventing heart disease and that work as a means for the development of healthy eating habits that have a positive impact on the aging.

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Nuts are nuts known to play an essential role in brain function and healthy aging. This is because the food is full of omega 3, fiber and mineral salts such as calcium and potassium. It also has proteins, vitamins E and B and antioxidants.

According to the institute, consuming a small amount of nuts per day and for several years can contribute to a improvement in the quality of the diet, in the reduction in the appearance of chronic diseases, such as diabetes or cardiovascular.

In the heart, due to the large amount of vitamin E, walnuts act as protectors of blood vessels and are able to control blood pressure. Something that can prevent the development of hypertension in the future. As aging is an integral process of the body, having an impact on all organs, including the skin, their consumption is associated with a reduction in aging cerebral.

Due to the presence of antioxidants, these foods can also fight free radicals that want to destroy neurons, which protects the brain and reduces the chance of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson. Despite the benefits, daily consumption should be only four units, as they are caloric.

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