What is the flower of your birth month? Discover and know its meaning!

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The use of flowers to symbolize your month of birth has worked as a “horoscope” since ancient Rome, when birthday celebrations began. So, when discovering the flower of your month, you will understand which characteristics of them influence your life.

Since nature's energies are directly related to the seasons and time of year on planet earth, they can also have their meanings for those born in each of these moments.

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Each birth month has its flower.

Find out what your birthday flower is:

january: carnation

The month of January is symbolized by the carnation, whose meaning varies according to the color of the flower. White carnations represent pure love, while red carnations represent passion and roses, affection.

People born in January tend to be caring, loyal and passionate, as well as having strong protective feelings towards family and loved ones.

February: Violet and Primrose

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Those born in February are represented by the violet and primrose flowers, which symbolize humility, modesty, fidelity, sincerity and wisdom.

Also, they are often associated with love on Valentine's Day and are used as gifts at this time. These flowers contribute to bringing balance to love relationships.

March: Narcissus

The narcissus is a yellow and sparkling flower that brings the meaning of rebirth and new beginnings, being associated with the arrival of spring and the renewal of life.

That is why those born in May are more positive, cheerful and optimistic.

april: daisy

For those born in April, the daisy is the flower that represents their essence. It also symbolizes rebirth and transformation, just like the daffodil of the previous month.

And bringing a lighter energy, people born in April tend to be simple, calm and appreciate the little things in life.

May: Lily of the valley and hawthorn

The lily of the valley and the hawthorn represent the month of May with meanings of sweetness, purity and humility.

They also bring times of greater happiness and positive change, leaving those born in this month more affectionate, reliable and talented people.

june: pink

Roses are the flowers that represent the month of June, when Valentine's Day is celebrated in the southern hemisphere. And born people tend to be more romantic and dreamy.

The color of roses also affects their symbolism: red ones represent romantic love, pink ones represent gratitude, and yellow ones represent friendship.

July: Spur

The spur is a long, slender flower that symbolizes love, affection and happiness. Thus, those born in July bring a kinder and more empathetic personality with everyone around them.

These flowers are often used as floral arrangements for weddings and other festivities.

August: Gladiolus

Gladioli are elegant flowers that symbolize strength and integrity. Taking these characteristics to those born in August, it also symbolizes the transition from the end of summer to the beginning of autumn.

September: Aster

In September, the aster flower brings various colors to represent its symbologies, which are mainly based on wisdom, integrity and faith. Thus, those born in this month are more independent and firm in their beliefs.

October: Calendula

In the month of October, the calendula brings an atmosphere of creativity and positivity to those born in this period. Also, these flowers are often used as part of floral arrangements at various types of parties.

November: Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum flowers symbolize values ​​such as friendship, loyalty and love, and are often used at funerals. Furthermore, they reflect personalities that are persistent, steadfast, and impulsive.

 December: holly and poinsettia

And lastly, in December, holly and poinsettia are colored green and red and bring energies of success and celebration.

For this reason, they are often used in Christmas and New Year decorations. Also, those born in this month have an energy of ambition and achievement in life.

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