At 13, Mexican boy becomes world's youngest molecular biologist

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Ian Emmanuel González Santos, born in Puerto Vallarta, had an unusual childhood compared to other children, he is a young prodigy.

From an early age, he showed remarkable abilities to read and speak perfectly at the age of three, according to the Mexican portal “Nación321”.

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Photo: Reproduction / Social Networks.

His passion for biology was evident at an early age, leading him to break several notable records.

At age 13, he became the youngest molecular biologist in the world when he graduated from the University of Guadalajara in Mexico and is on the verge of achieving a new academic position. In addition to this impressive achievement, the boy already has a master's degree under his belt.

Ian, aged seven, began a study on the regeneration of melanocytes in patients with vitiligo, a disease that causes depigmentation of the skin. Despite being a living prodigy for his age, the boy's mother reported that he experienced challenges during the school period.

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Discover the trajectory of the youngest biologist in the world

Ian's mother shared that he has faced denial and overcome obstacles along his journey.

At a certain point, the school even claimed that he had attention deficit and cognitive problems, revealing the lack of preparation of educational institutions to diagnose, monitor and support children with high skills.

Due to these limitations of the school in meeting Ian's needs, he was removed from the school environment and started to study at home, as reported by the newspaper cited by CNN Brasil.

At the age of nine, he had the opportunity to meet Francisco Josué Carrilo Ballesteros, a professor of Exact Sciences and Engineering at the University of Guadalajara.

The professor invited the young prodigy to participate in one of his classes in the university environment, which awakened in Ian the certainty that this was his place.

Then he got his middle and high school certificates and finally he was able to start his academic journey as a college student.

At thirteen years old, Ian is on the verge of achieving a historic achievement at the University of Guadalajara, becoming the youngest student ever to graduate with a master's degree in molecular biology.

His remarkable academic path has driven him to dream big, planning to start a doctorate and dedicate himself to search for scientific discoveries that could lead to cures for diseases and help improve the lives of people people.

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