Optical illusion: Where is the shell hidden?

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Have you ever looked at something and thought you saw something when it was actually something else? This is called optical illusion, which tests your vision and your ability cognitive. Today, you will be challenged to find a shell among several rocks. Let's go?

It's only 5 seconds to find

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The beauty of optical illusions is their potential to capture and hold people's attention for a certain amount of time. Who does not remember the famous blue dress. Or was it golden?

For those who like to solve optical illusions frequently, the benefit of this practice is the improvement of cognitive performance, observation capacity and creative thinking.

Optical illusion

In the image above you can see different stones, with various sizes and colors. Without much organization, they hide a shell with a tone close to that of the stones. Your task is to find that shell.

As the challenge is easy, we'll give you just 5 seconds to unravel this mystery. You won't even need to put a timer on, because 5 seconds goes by fast.

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Optical illusions are great ways to test your intelligence, just like IQ tests. If you want to think critically, be sure to answer this challenge today.

Call friends and family to have fun with you and laugh together in the quest to discover the hidden shell. It is even possible to have a dispute to see who can find it in the shortest time.

Let's go? As there will be no timer today, we will count the time together with you. Pay attention to the details.
The countdown will begin: FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO…. ONE!

And time's up! Will you and your friends manage to find the shell within the allotted time? So let's get to the answers!

Seashell Challenge: Resolution

The optical illusion today was pretty easy! And we are sure that time was enough to identify the shell! It's the same color as the stones, isn't it?

In the image below, circled in red, is the shell you were looking for. Look:

Optical illusion

Cool, isn't it? Keep browsing our site for more fun optical illusions like this one.


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