Check out good options for your breakfast

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, as it will prepare you to start the day in a healthy and well-disposed way. Thus, eating fruits and foods that guarantee the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body is of paramount importance.

In addition, variety is also a way to make your brain not get used to the same dishes. In this sense, we wrote this text thinking about some options for you to vary your breakfast. Check out.

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Options to vary your breakfast

As stated above, a good breakfast should be prepared to start the day off right. That way, not always a French roll and a cup of coffee are enough to provide you with the necessary nutrients.

So we brought some ideas for a change for breakfast. Thus, according to the American nutritionist Brittany Dunn, thinking about a good breakfast, in line with a balanced diet, is to invest in proteins.

The inclusion of proteins to break the fast is a good way to control blood glucose. Thus, by balancing your diet with carbohydrates and proteins, you can have a super healthy breakfast.

Check out the balanced breakfast options

The first idea is the famous hummus, a typical Arab meal made with chickpeas. A small serving of 100g has about 8g of protein and only 226 calories. Thus, it is possible to make a paste and eat it with wholemeal bread or a salad.

Quinoa can also be added to the dough of a fit pancake. She is rich in proteins and carbohydrates that can help with a balanced breakfast.

In addition to these two options, it is possible to add protein powder to your breakfast. Therefore, adding to the vitamin or simply preparing a shake with whey protein in the morning can prepare you to face the day.

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