Is it right to soak the beans before cooking? Check out:

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In Brazilian cuisine, the use of tips to optimize time in the kitchen and food preparation is precious.

Therefore, one of the most requested and popular dishes in Brazil is the big bean, but before reaching the table it goes through a soaking process.

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It is common to let beans “sleep” in water overnight, but is it right to do so? So check it out in our article!

The Food Research Center of the University of São Paulo (USP) together with Embrapa Rice and Beans released a note precisely about this, and says yes!

It is recommended to let the beans soak before cooking and it brings great benefits that for many, it was not possible to have.

For the majority of Brazilians, the act of soaking beans was something that is linked to making food cook faster.

Why Soak Beans?

Leaving the beans to soak in addition to helping to cook faster, leaving your beans more “soft”, the process helps in the removal of anti nutrients.

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Anti nutrients is something that ends up harming the quality of the food if it is not removed, and soaking the beans helps in the process of eliminating the anti nutrients.

There are certain substances that are removed by “soaking” the beans and they are raffinose and stachyose, which are responsible for intestinal discomforts.

The soaking technique must be carried out for a period of 8 to 12 hours so that these substances are removed by the water.

It is not recommended to reuse the soaking water to make the beans, as this would invalidate the substance removal process.

Benefits of soaking beans

There are studies carried out by Embrapa that show that leaving the beans in soaking mode reduces the phytic acid in the grains.

With the reduction of phytate acids, the human body when ingested beans ends up assimilating proteins and minerals more easily.

As many think that the act of soaking the beans can end up losing nutrients, there are studies that show that the harm is minimal.

It is important to mention that despite leaving the beans to soak, they contribute to the “softer” grain for cooking. Finally, the beans have to be cooked at the right time. Yeah, ingesting raw beans can damage the pancreas.

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