Attitudes in a job interview that reduce the chances of success

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interviews of job have always been the essential part for people who are looking for a new work and it is essential that they are well prepared in order to avoid the mistakes that could mean the non-approval of a candidate from a company's list of options.

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Therefore, here are five mistakes that usually happen during job interviews so that they can be avoided.

Not being properly prepared – “Preparing yourself for an interview is a crucial point to be well evaluated and to be successful in the process of getting the job. Candidates are often contacted to participate in a selection process and end up forgetting to go or appear not to be informed about the company and even the role you applied for in company.";

Arriving late or missing the interview – “Arriving late or even missing the first interview with the company gives the feeling that the candidate is not a professional person and demonstrates disinterest in the opportunity in which he applied, not to mention the lack of commitment. So that this is not an option, always confirm your presence in advance and try to arrive a few minutes earlier.”;

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Not asking questions and not highlighting qualities – “Questioning about the company and the vacancy for which you are applying, especially towards the end of the interview is a one of the fundamental points, because the attitude shows that the candidate is indeed interested in being part of the company.";

Having a bad posture “Having a correct posture is very important to be able to pass the recruitment test. It is extremely important to avoid having a careless image or avoiding eye contact with those responsible for recruiting, as this shows insecurity and carelessness.”;

Bring a companion to the interview – “Participating in an interview is something personal, although it seems unlikely to go to a job interview accompanied is one of the mistakes people make a lot.”

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