Youtube announces that ads may only be in audio

Now YouTube will also have audio ads lasting up to 30 seconds, which will be played during podcasts on the platform. This news was disclosed by the company during the event Advertising Week New York, where marketing professionals from different parts of the world were present. Audio ads on Youtube are already making waves, but this is something that already happens on other platforms.

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These new advertisements will not be accompanied by visual support, and the novelty will work just like advertisements made for radio stations. It is expected, according to the speculations of other vehicles, that only simple images, in second plan, follow the audio and a button that will take the consumer to the product or service page announced. Learn more by reading the article.

What is the idea behind these new ads?

Thinking about offering more spaces for its advertisers, Youtube created this space so that brands and companies can engage with their target audience, focusing only on the voice. And, of course, this way the platform will also profit from this novelty, where since 2020 the podcast has been trending on the site.

Despite not having been created with that objective in mind, Youtube has always been a space used for the dissemination of podcasts, long before it was even called “podcast”. It was very common to see videos with a static image as the background and the audio, its main content.

The introduction of this new way of advertising can also be seen as a way of supporting podcasts, which are constantly growing on the platform and in the world. This type of ad has been undergoing testing since November 2020.

When will these new announcements be heard on the platform?

Yetnoifhe knows when youtube will present this new Formatto theadvertisers.He can no to take time very, thenthe platform it needs tuneyouinvestmentsdeedsina tabSpecial in podcast.

The service not yet it arrived to the Brazil, but to thecallsinvoicealready they arebeingenjoyed in some global markets. O algorithm from YouTube displays podcast recommendations based on your likes personal, both in the format video as in audio.

Despite the duration of the ads on the platform, the fact that the user is forced to see and/or hear the ads ends up implying the consumer's final experience with Youtube. And it's not new that they receive criticism because of the exaggerated amount of ads in each available video.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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