Negative Parenting Behaviors: Don't Do THIS to Your Child

All those who have children always want the best for their children. They try to direct them by educating them, but there are some behaviors in this “supposed to educate” that can be quite harmful. For example: comparing them to their siblings. If you want to be an even better parent, pay attention to parental behaviors that undermine your child's confidence and avoid them as soon as possible.

Toxic Behaviors Your Child Doesn't Deserve

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Raising a child is a very difficult task.

The difficulty is even greater when you have two or more children. The more children, the more challenging the situation becomes, after all, everyone has their own individuality and personality, which can sometimes be opposites.

This is where most parents make a big mistake, which is comparing their children. This is a big one. By comparing, you fail to respect your child's individuality and also lower your child's self-esteem, as comparisons suggest that one may be better than the other.

It is very common to see this happen, because the human brain is programmed to systematize things and solve problems. This often includes making comparisons. It is important to remember that our behavior should be different with children, because in addition to avoiding sibling rivalry, it avoids problems of self confidence.

Here is a list of behaviors to include in your daily life with your children.

1. Beware of silent messages

Children, although they may seem innocent, can perceive many things that go beyond what is said, so if your child is playing video games and a friend gains the upper hand, he will notice if you smile or laugh at him. situation.

Even if you praise him, he'll know it's empty, so watch out! Always vibrate with the achievements of the little one.

2. adapt to your child

It is common that among brothers, one is more extroverted than the other, so regardless of what the your personality, make sure that neither of you feels less loved or receives more attention for that.

3. Avoid empty compliments

Always remember the things about each of your children that make you feel proud, because if any of them listen to all his brothers being showered with praise while he's just the "don't give me trouble", he'll be sad and frustrated.

4. understand the individualities

Never ask why the child can't do something or be like someone else, just respect his wishes and wishes and demonstrate that you are fine with his way of being.

5. Beware of age or gender comparisons

We learn patterns in childhood that are influenced by how our parents treat us, so avoid comparisons that lead your child to think that everything would be different if he were of a certain gender or age different.

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