Executive and legislature wish to discuss tax reform later this year

A Tax reform it is a set of changes proposed by the government. Its main objective is to simplify the tax structure and reduce the tax burden on the population and companies, in addition to combating tax evasion. This subject is a recurrent agenda in Brazil.

This year, this issue is a major priority for the government in Congress. According to the leader of the government in the Chamber, Deputy José Guimarães (PT-CE), it is possible to approve a reform text this year. The negotiation is under the command of the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, and the deputy leaders who dominate the area will help.

“We will start talking from Monday [6] about its content and what we can do in advance to have a robust tax reform that addresses the problems,” he said.

The government intends to vote on the tax reform on consumption in the first half of this year, and the reform on income in the second half.

“We are already going to have the first conversations at the beginning of the week with the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, for us to seek in the short term, at the latest by April, as the minister wants, we present, the government to present a good and consistent proposal for tax reform from the two PECs that are being processed", said Guimarães .

This Wednesday (8), President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva will receive leaders and presidents of parties that support the government for breakfast. The idea is that the suggestion to be presented by the government is based on the two Proposals for Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) on the topic that is already being discussed in Congress.

For the mayor Arthur Lira (PP-AL), tax reform is fundamental.

“I have no doubt that the simplification of our tax system will have positive effects on tax collection and social justice. Brazil has been calling for a definitive solution to this challenge for a long time”, highlighted.

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