Syntactic Analysis and Morphological Analysis. Syntax analisys

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Before starting our studies on these two themes, it is important to know the concept of Morphology and Syntax.
THE Morphology it is the part of grammar that studies words according to the grammatical class they belong to. When we refer to the grammatical classes, we soon know that it refers to those ten, which are: nouns, articles, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, conjunctions, interjections, prepositions, adverbs and numerals.
THE Syntax it is the part that studies the role that words play within the sentence.
Now, we are referring to subject, adverbial adjunct, direct and indirect object, nominal complement, apposition, vocative, predicate, among others.
To better understand what was said, let us take the following prayers as an example:
the morning is sunny
Now we will do the morphological analysis of all its terms:
A - article
morning - noun
is - verb (to be)
sunny - adjective
As for syntactic analysis, we have:
The morning - Simple subject
It's sunny - noun predicate, because the proposed verb denotes state, so it's a linking verb.

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Sunny - predicative of the subject, as it reveals a characteristic (quality) about it.
Marcos and Paulo like to study every day.
Morphologically we have:
Marks - proper noun
Paul - proper noun
Like- verb (like)
from - preposition
Study - infinitive verb (original form)
All- indefinite pronoun
os- definite article
Days- simple noun
and syntactically:
Marcos and Paulo - compound subject (two cores)
Like to study every day - verbal predicate
To study - indirect object (complements the sense of the verb)
Every day - adverbial time adjunct

We can see that when it comes to morphological analysis, the terms of the clause are analyzed step by step, whereas in syntactic analysis, they are analyzed according to the position performed.
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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