Plant dandelions in your home and enjoy all the benefits

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The dandelion is named after the characteristics of its leaves, but it can also be known as the monk's head. Although quite found in urban areas in Brazil, this plant is originally from Europe. Because its seeds are easily spread by the wind, it is able to develop anywhere, and for this reason it has even been confused with weeds.

It is a medicinal plant that can have its leaves consumed cooked, raw or braised. In addition, dandelion has a high content of potassium and beta-carotene. Your tea can be a great detoxifier and acts directly on the liver and gallbladder.

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How about growing a foot of this medicinal plant in your home? Check out the tips below.

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Learn how to plant and grow dandelions

Cultivating this medicinal plant is not that difficult, but it requires some care when consuming it. Check out the step by step for cultivation:

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1- Glass, mason or earth

The first step is to get the seeds, which can be easily found on the internet, in plant houses or even in a garden. Never consume street seeds, as they are not properly sanitized.

Pour the seeds directly into the soil and water until the soil is moist. They must be 35 cm apart. If you are going to plant in a vase, make sure it is up to 30 cm high.

2- Temperature and light

Direct contact with the sun can harm dandelion development. Therefore, choose a place that has shade, such as under trees or close to walls and gardens. It is worth noting that andthey adapt better in places with temperatures above 25º C.

3- Harvest

Finally, within 90 days the flowers can be harvested. As for the roots, it is recommended to wait about a year. You can also use the flowers to make a delicious tea.

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