Flags of countries in the world: Discover the greatest curiosities

The flags symbolically represent the sovereignty of the nation, express the identity of your country wherever you are. In addition, they are an identification material. By looking at a flag, you can tell which country is being displayed. Did you know that flags carry stories and riddles? See now country flags of the world: discover the greatest curiosities!

Read more: Meet 8 of the most unusual flags in the world

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Find out fun facts about country flags

The recognition of a place is given by its history, culture, cuisine, its people and, of course, the flag. The flag carries its trajectory and, many times, mentions the natural resources of that country.

In the face of so many countries, there is no pre-established standard to represent them. They translate your uniqueness and beauty. Find out now curiosities about flags of nations of the world.

1. Brazil's flag

The blue sphere present in the Brazilian flag represents the sky at night in the capital on November 15, 1889, the day of

Proclamation of the Republic.

2. flag of south korea

The white color represents peace and purity, the shades of red and blue on opposite sides indicate the “yin yang”, the duality of life.

3. Flag of Denmark

The flag of Denmark is known as “Dannebrog” which means honorable cloth. It is considered the oldest flag in use, adopted in 1219.

4. flag of nepal

The only flag in the world composed of two overlapping triangles, with the Sun and Moon stamped on it.

5. flag of japan

The red circle in the center of the Japanese flag represents the sun, as the country is considered the Land of the Rising Sun.

6. flag of switzerland

The flag of Switzerland is square, different from the common pattern. This is because it depicts the shape of military shields in times of war.

7. flag of mozambique

It is the only flag that included the image of a modern weapon, representing the armed struggle and defense of the country.

8. flag of iran

After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the flag adopted the expression "God is greater" in white, which is stamped on the edges of the band.

9. flag of belize

Belize's flag is the only one made up of 12 different colors. It became the most colorful flag in the world.

10. Mexican flag

After gaining independence from Spain, Mexico adopted the colors green, white and red, which respectively represent: hope, union and blood.

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