What is the ideal time to sleep and avoid health problems?

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First of all, sleep is something every human being needs to feel good, rested and healthy. But for many this is not an easy task. Studies indicate that the best time to sleep is between 10 pm and 11 pm and this time is associated with improved heart health.

Studies also point out that this is the perfect time for those who want to regulate sleep with the ′′ biological clock ′′ and that in the long term can prevent heart attacks and spills. To arrive at these parameters, researchers had to perform “sleep” tests on volunteers over seven days. Just over 3,000 adults have developed cardiovascular disease due to lack of regular sleep.

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Check out a little more about the right time to sleep below.

Health problems

Then the lack of good sleep doesn't just leave you with heart problems no huh! Therefore, check out in this article what are the main diseases caused by the famous “poor sleep”.

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  • You skin damage such as expression lines, wrinkles, dark circles and accentuated sagging are problems that occur due to the lack of a good sleep.
  • O Forgetfulness may occur frequently due to irregular sleep. The brain needs at least 8 hours to store data in memory correctly.
  • Weight gain is a consequence due to sleepless nights. Studies point out that people who sleep less than 5 hours at night for 3 years are prone to becoming obese.
  • cognitive problems tend to appear due to deregulated sleep. For, brain functions including memory, decisions, reasoning and problem solving tend to be impaired.

How important is establishing a sleep routine? How to do this?

Finally, establishing a healthy sleep routine is all about getting the amount of sleep you need. However, more important than sleeping is sleeping well! Therefore, it is important to learn how to establish a sleep routine, and this can help those who have insomnia or even a sleep disorder.

Sleep routine can be based on:

  • Have a bedtime: As mentioned in this article, it is advisable to sleep between 10 pm or 11 pm.
  • Sleep 7 to 8 hours a day: There is a study that explains that the right time for an adult to sleep is between 7 and 8 hours a day. Well, that can have health benefits.
  • Know how to separate day and night: It is very important to have an active life during the day, expose yourself to sunlight and thus stimulate your routine to be more active and the night serves to rest the body.

So, now that you know the right time to sleep, how about starting to regulate your sleep?

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