Fire at migrant detention facility kills more than 30 people

The detention center immigrants located in Ciudad Juárez, on the border between the United States and Mexico, caused a fire during the night of last Monday, 27. More than 30 foreign immigrants were killed and more than 20 people were injured.

The warning shots started at 10 pm, when firefighters were called. The incident took place at the National Migration Institute of Mexico (INM), in Texas (USA), bordering Mexico. The INM confirmed 39 people dead and 29 injured so far, all immigrants from other countries.

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The fire, according to information, started in the men's ward and spread throughout the site.

Immigration in the United States

The institute informed, through a note, that the detention center was home to 68 foreign men, of legal age, residents of South America or Central America. People who try to enter the US without documentation are kept in this detention center, a strict measure that reflects the Trump era.

Immigrants in Ciudad Juárez have grown considerably over the last few months, especially after the approval of strict rules regarding the entry of undocumented individuals into the country. IN 2022, there were 2.76 million detainees at the US-Mexico border.

The recognition of the policy is “Title 42”, granting power to the government to automatically expel illegal immigrants. According to the justifications, the idea was to control the contamination of contagious diseases in the country, as happened during the covid-19 pandemic.

Upon assuming the US presidency, Joe Biden announced his intention to end this policy, but the terms remain in force with no expiry date.

Detailed information about each individual killed has not yet been released, so there are still inaccuracies about the nationalities of the victims. The National Institute of Migration indicates that it will communicate the consulates of other countries to be able to identify those involved in the tragedy.

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