The Characteristics of Socialism. socialism

In the world, there are two types of political-economic system: capitalism and socialism. The capitalist system has been in force since the 18th century. However, in the 19th century, capitalism was not pleasing to European workers, due to the exploitative condition in which they lived. This fact gave rise to a feeling of change on the continent.
The proletarian class could see a solution in socialism, which figured as a collection of ideas aimed at implantation of a more just society model, to extinguish class society, in which capitalists exploit the workers.
The dissatisfaction and desire for change were reinforced with the ideas of two great German thinkers, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who had a set of ideas necessary for the establishment of a fully socialist. Such ideas emerged after a rigorous study of capitalism.
The implantation of socialism only took place in the 20th century, more precisely in 1917, when the government monarchist was overthrown by the Russian revolution, giving rise to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). In the second half of the 20th century, socialism gained other adherents, such as Eastern European countries, as well as China, Cuba and some African and Asian nations. However, with different socialist configurations.

The characteristics of socialism are completely different from capitalism, below are the main socialist aspects:
• Socialized means of production: in socialism any productive structure, such as commercial companies, industries, agricultural land, among others, are owned by the society and managed by the State. All wealth generated by production processes is equally divided among all.
• No society divided into classes: as the means of production belong to society, there is only one class; that of the proletarians. All work together and with the same purpose: to improve society. That's why there are no employees or bosses.
• State-controlled and planned economy: the State controls all segments of the economy and is responsible for regulating production and stock, wage value, price control and etc. A completely different configuration from the liberal system that prevails in capitalism, in which the market itself controls the economy. This way, there is no competition and price variation.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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