The first date is not the forte of these signs; know what they are

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First dates always cause that butterflies in your stomach, that good anxiety and several other sensations. There are several tips to leave a good impression right now, such as choosing a program that you both like, looking for common topics to talk about and things like that.

But there is also a chance that the first date will be a less than pleasant experience, for a variety of reasons. Having a bad conversation, being late for no reason, forgetting your wallet at home, or something like that, can make the event quite frustrating.

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These are the 4 zodiac signs that love solitude the most, according to…

Below we list 4 signs who tend to have embarrassing first dates, check it out!


Leos make excellent friends, loyal and protective. However, this sign has difficulty with love relationships, as well as very easy to abandon the first date if they are not comfortable. Also, they often judge their partners while they are going through difficult periods.

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The Leo man may simply walk away from the date if you approach him with more intensity than he was expecting early on.


Virgos tend to think highly of themselves, so they expect their partners to be on the same page as them. They are usually only attracted to those who can provide a boost to their reputation, which makes it difficult to create genuine bonds.


Being a more reserved sign, depending on the direction of the conversation on the first date, they can leave the event very calmly. Intimate matters about old relationships or deep friendships tend to bother Scorpios a lot, so choose your words carefully.


Despite being the zodiac sign that struggles most to understand romantic partners and friends, Pisceans also have difficulties on the first date. As this sign usually admires richer people, it is normal for them to want to relate to people of a good social level.

Pisceans almost never choose someone to be in a relationship based on personality only, which ends up decreasing the chances of a successful first date.

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