The 10 places with the most McDonald's restaurants (Brazil on the list)

A restaurant from McDonalds it seems to be everywhere, and that's no coincidence! Brazil is among the top 10 countries in the world with the highest number of restaurants. The franchise originated in 1937, when the Maurice Richard brothers opened the first store.

According to Atlasbig data, these are the 10 countries in the world with the highest number of McDonald's.

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Countries with the most McDonald's franchises

10. Russia

Russia's recent war against Ukraine affected the development of the network in the country, as they had to permanently leave Russian territory. In all, there were more than 800 franchises since the Soviet Union, arriving in 1990.

9. Australia

The franchise has been part of the country since 1971, when the first units appeared. In all, there are 981 stores.

8. Brazil

In South America, Brazil is the country that consumes the most fast food. The first store was opened in Copacabana, 1979, in Copacabana. By 2021, there were 1,031 restaurants across the country.

7. UK

The first restaurant opened in 1974 and has 1,421 with data based on 2022. After leaving Brexit, they had problems with the supply of restaurants and had to urgently suspend the sale of the milkshake.

6. Canada

The USA's neighboring country in North America was responsible for the international success. The first restaurant arrived in 1967 and today there are 1,458 in all.

5. France

There are about 1,500 restaurants that make up the chain in the country, with the first franchise arriving in 1972 in the country.

4. Germany

It was the first country in Europe to receive the franchise, back in 1971. Currently, there are 1,536 restaurants across the country.

3. Japan

In 2021, there were 2,900 restaurants in the country and arrived in the country in 1971.

2. China

Second, by 2020, the country had 3,500 restaurants. Curiosity is due to the proportion it took in a short time when comparing with other countries. The franchise was only allowed in Chinese territory after 1990 and has already taken on large proportions.

1. U.S

In the franchise's native country, the restaurants reached incredible numbers, reaching 13,375 throughout the national territory. The states with the largest number of restaurants are California, Texas and Florida.

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