The streets of São Paulo will now have cameras for facial recognition

The Justice of São Paulo authorized the city hall of the capital to proceed with the public notice of the Smart Sampa system, which provides for the bidding of 20,000 cameras with facial recognition in the city.

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Following a temporary suspension of trading due to privacy concerns and possible violations of fundamental rights, the competition was rescheduled for next Friday, the 26th of May.

The court's decision considered that the implementation of video surveillance does not reinforce social or racial discrimination, and the system will allow the storage of facial recognition data in conjunction with location information, offering greater control and monitoring in the city.

Justice suspends edict of cameras with facial recognition due to risk of discrimination

Councilwoman Silvia from the Feminist Banquet (PSOL) proposed a public civil action requesting the suspension of the Smart Sampa notice, claiming that the use of facial recognition technology may result in discrimination.

The action highlighted that in tests carried out in other locations in Brazil, 90.5% of people arrested based on this technology were black.

The report by the Municipal Court of Auditors (TCM), which analyzed the public notice, raised concerns about the subject, but with little emphasis.

The public notice had already been suspended by the TCM in December, but was released after the city hall answered the questions raised during the analysis.

However, court counselors expressed concern about the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to facial recognition, especially in relation to the preservation of individual rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution Federal.

Notice requires risk reduction and safety report for facial recognition system

A new version of the notice for the Smart Sampa system was released, including the requirement that the responsible company submit a risk reduction report in relation to the collected data.

The risk matrix, attached to the trading session text, highlights the “high probability” of unauthorized access to personal data.

The document emphasizes that the measures adopted to mitigate these risks must follow the guidelines established by the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).

In addition, it points out that Brazil is constantly the target of cyber attacks, which can result in the exposure of information stored in the system.

Facial recognition information, capable of identifying people even with a beard, glasses or different haircuts, will be used to locate fugitives from justice, in collaboration with the São Paulo State Secretariat for Public Security and by crossing data with other organs.

According to the edict, people considered suspicious may also be tracked by the cameras.

It is critical that security and data protection measures are rigorously implemented to ensure the privacy and integrity of information collected by the recognition system facial.

City Hall guarantees international protocols and data protection for Smart Sampa

The city hall ensures that the Smart Sampa system will adopt an advanced protocol for validating alerts and verifying analytical effectiveness, considering only detections with at least 90% accuracy.

Alerts will be analyzed by trained agents, following international procedures and protocols, including European Union recommendations for similar projects, in order to assess the circumstances of each case before taking any measure.

In a note, the municipal administration points out that the information in the system will be used exclusively for public safety purposes, in a confidential and confidential manner, in accordance with the LGPD.

The new platform will feature an advanced data protection and access control system, ensuring the preservation of all stored information.

The data will be shared with the Judiciary and other public bodies upon official request.

The stored information that is not requested by the competent bodies within a maximum period of 30 days will be automatically deleted from the system.

It is essential that all protocols and protective measures are strictly followed to ensure data security and compliance with privacy regulations.

The City Hall states that it is committed to ensuring the effectiveness of Smart Sampa and respect for the individual rights of all citizens.

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