10 dog breeds considered PERFECT for introverted people

Research reveals that, with each passing day, more dogs are being adopted and welcomed by different families. However, experts say that the owner's particular personalities must be considered when choosing the breed.

As an example, we can mention introverts. Yes, there are dogs that handle people like that very well. See below for details on each of these breeds.

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Pay Attention to Personal Factors Before Choosing a Dog Breed

1. Great Dane

These dogsthey love to stay indoors and for them it is better to spread out on the sofa than to go to a park to socialize with the other animals.

2. Basenji

This dog breed is characterized by not barking, instead it emits a howling sound. They are not needy animals and most of the time they are very independent.

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a small dog, loves to be in his owner's lap, where he ends up sleeping for hours on end.

4. Shiba Inu

Known for being very similar to a cat, the Shiba Inu is extremely affectionate and loves to have fun times with its human.

(Image: Disclosure)

5. greyhound

This is a versatile dog. He loves spending time in parks with other animals, as well as staying at home relaxing with his owner.

6. Irish Wolfhound

This one doesn't need much space to feel good, besides being very independent. It usually spends hours sleeping at its owner's feet.

7. pug

Pugs are sociable when they need to be, but if the idea is to ignore everyone around them, they can do that very well too. There's nothing better than lying on the couch and sleeping.

8. German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a great companion and a great breed for introverted people. Whoever owns it certainly feels welcomed and loved.

9. chihuahua

Due to its tiny size, the Chihuahua can be taken anywhere and therefore develops a very strong bond with its owner.

10. basset hound

That raceit's perfect for keeping company in all those lazy moments. She loves to lie down at home and is very calm to create.

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