Homemade Rat Scaring Ingredients: Know What Rats Hate!

If you are one of the people who wants to scare away mice without using one of the dangerous poisons available on the market, we have a tip for you! Through some natural ingredients you can scare away mice without needing a lot of mess, and with products you have at home. And best of all, these ingredients are all-natural! That is, a much safer way to deal with the problem. Thus, you get rid of rodents that can bring various damage to your health and ensure that your home environment is protected.

Check out the tips!

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rats hate vinegar

The rat's keen sense of smell makes it repulsed by the smell of vinegar, and knowing this information you can use it to your advantage. To do so, use a cotton swab soaked in vinegar and distribute, in small portions, in strategic places. And, for best results, you can place these cotton balls with vinegar in the entrances of the house, so that it does not enter your home.

plants to scare away mice

Another infallible tip is to use some plants that rats hate: aromatic plants such as lavender, peppermint and basil. In this way, you can use some leaves of these herbs and plants, mix them in a small package and distribute them around the house. Or, you can even grow these plants at home and place them along the entrances and exits of the house. The mice will run!

(Read “Repellent plants to have at home to keep insects away” clicking here).

use onions

Several studies point out that rats have a nose that can't stand the strong smell of onions, and that's why they move away. With that, by using sliced ​​onions in some places in your home, you will be keeping them away from your home once and for all. For example, you can put it on the access doors to your house, windows, or any hiding place where you found mouse tracks. And then you will see that soon they are gone!

Homemade recipes to scare away mice

Mixing some of the ingredients listed above is a great tip to scare away rats. Yeah, by putting some ingredients together in a pack and spreading it around the house you make a much more powerful repellent, right? In addition, another widely used recipe is to mix cayenne pepper and cloves in small bags. Those are also ingredients rats hate and you'll be rid of them once and for all!

If you liked the tips on how to scare away mice, then Click here and check out more diverse content with very useful tips and information!

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