Check out homemade tips to get rid of snails on your garden plants

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Snails are molluscs that feed on the leaves of plants, reproduce very quickly and become a real garden pest. However, eliminating these animals can be quite a challenge.

Although there are several chemicals on the market, these substances can be harmful to human health, pets and plants themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to other alternatives. Follow this article and check homemade tips to stay free of snails.

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4 homemade tips to eliminate snails

Removing snails from the garden is a difficult task, as these molluscs do not have many natural predators and chemical products for this purpose can harm us. But don't be scared: there are still simple, economical options that can be made at home to keep these animals away. See below for some tips!


The use of sawdust to line the soil for the plants is a great idea, as this element absorbs water from the snails. Thus, it prevents these molluscs from moving and attacking the plants.

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Charcoal and ash

Similar to sawdust, charcoal and ash can absorb water from snails and drive them away from the area. However, the amount you need to apply must be small and restricted to the soil only, avoiding the contact of the substances with the vegetable.

Coffee grounds

In addition to coffee grounds being a great fertilizer for plants, the product manages to scare away snails, as caffeine harms your metabolism. So, all you have to do is store the leftover coffee grounds and sprinkle them on your plants.

Garlic and water solution

This mixture is capable of expelling snails from the plants in your garden and is very practical to make. Just put some garlic cloves in a pot of water, let it boil for 10 minutes, transfer to a spray bottle and spray on the plants.

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