Can you grow potatoes at home spending little

vegetable garden and garden

Spend little and reap more! Have the possibility to plant potatoes at home without difficulties

Per Texty agency
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Yes, this is really possible, we will show you the best way to grow potatoes at home, without any difficulties.

We have essential and important tips to ensure your success in planting potatoes. We follow for each step:

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The ideal potato

  • We need you to choose potatoes that are neither rotten nor badly injured.
  • Look for the healthiest and most beautiful ones possible, this will guarantee more possibility of success in the cultivation besides generating potatoes as good as the ones planted.

ready to plant

  • To be planted, in addition to choosing well, we need to let it sprout.
  • For this to happen, we need to leave the potato in the fridge drawer or even outdoors for a certain amount of time. short time until your sprouts germinate and appear to be more than 2 cm and only then is it the right time to to plant.


  • You will need two identical pots and the bigger the pot the more potatoes you will harvest.
  • In both we will need to make holes at the bottom so that the water from the irrigation can be drained, and this is of paramount importance so that the potatoes do not rot.
  • Now take one of the two pots and cut triangles on the side – with a stiletto or scissors – these triangles on the side will be used to collect the potatoes when they are ready.


  • Take the bucket with the cut triangles and place it inside the other one;
  • Put half the bucket of earth and then the potatoes with their sprouts upwards;
  • Complete the soil vase and water;
  • Once the soil settles, top up with more soil if needed.


  • Place the vase in a place that does not get too much sun and always remember not to soak the earth or water it repeatedly, thus preventing the potatoes from rotting.


  • Follow the growth of the leaves and the sign that the potatoes are ready to be harvested is when the flowers start to appear.
  • To harvest it is simple: remove one vase from the other and through the cut triangles you will have access to the potatoes, which will be taken without much mess.

So, now that you know how to grow potatoes at home, how about separating the materials and starting your plantation?

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potatoHow to grow potatoes at homegardeningplant at home
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