Dizziness. Dizziness is a symptom of several diseases

Dizziness is a symptom that usually refers to a disturbance in the balance of the body. Dizziness is not a disease, but it is a symptom presented in several of them. People who suffer from this symptom often feel dizzy, with a “light” head and the feeling of walking on a mattress, in addition to feeling things spinning around them. Although it is not a disease, dizziness indicates that something is not working properly in the body, since, after headache, it is the second most common symptom presented by patients.

There are several causes for the occurrence of this symptom, including: bacterial infections or viral diseases, nervous system diseases, poor diet, head trauma, anemia, psychiatric diseases, etc. Due to the range of possibilities regarding the causes of dizziness, it is necessary to make a diagnosis to know the real causes of the symptom.

Diagnosis is made through an otoneurological evaluation. This assessment consists of a study of the clinical history, physical exams, auditory and vestibular tests applied to the patient. In this diagnosis, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are used.

The treatment for dizziness is basically done by eliminating the problem presented by the diagnosis, making it necessary to have great precision. Once the real cause of the problem is detected, it is relatively easy to take the necessary action against the symptom.

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