10 personality traits that indicate a high IQ; do you fit in any?

People generally, over time, build a personality stereotyped, that is, according to society's standards. However, individuals with high IQ have characteristics that do not follow this pattern. So, check out some personalities below who indicate an above average IQ.

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10 personality traits that indicate a high IQ

1. Empathetic: Before it was believed that people with high IQ were not easy to socialize, much less had emotional intelligence. However, recent studies have shown that people with high intelligence find it easy to connect to the feelings and needs of others, and know how to act sensitively. Usually they are interested in knowing more about people.

2. Self control: According to studies, people with high IQ have greater power under their impulses. This group finds it easy to plan and premeditate in the face of any situation.

3. Feel comfortable alone: Even though it has been proven that intelligent people are easy to socialize, they still enjoy their own company. They love to enjoy their own solitude.

4. Messy: In a survey carried out in 2012 by the University of Groningen, in the Netherlands, it was confirmed that these people deal better with their demands in a messy environment. According to the study, disorganization forces the brain to focus more.

5. Creativity: Intelligence and creativity can be seen separately, as they are controlled by different parts of the human brain. However, those who have a high IQ can make use of both qualities and achieve their goals.

6. "Gateiro(a)": Psychologists claim that people with high IQs tend to like cats more than dogs. And besides, they are usually more introverted and sensitive, just like the cats themselves.

7. Acid humor: In a 2017 study, it was found that people with higher scores on both verbal and non-verbal intelligence tests tend to understand acidic jokes more clearly.

8. Talking to himself: Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But on the contrary, talking to yourself is a sign of high IQ, as it can serve as a memorization technique.

9. Like to read: It may seem obvious, but smart people love a good read. And this is a confirmed fact, reading increases intelligence.

10. Observer: According to psychologists, it refers to how the brain processes information. An observant and highly intelligent person usually spends more time observing than worrying about what he is presenting.

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