News! WhatsApp will connect to more than one iPhone at the same time

The new update of Whatsapp, version 23.10.76, brings a feature expected by users of the iOS operating system. now it is possible connect messenger on other iPhones, allowing use on multiple devices.

According to the list of updates, the first point highlights the new update, saying that the user can connect WhatsApp on different cell phones. Although the update is already available on the App Store, some users may need to wait a little longer to access this function.

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With this update, WhatsApp users on iOS have more flexibility in using WhatsApp. application on different devices, facilitating communication and access to conversations on different gadgets. Check out the news in full!

WhatsApp will allow other connections on iOS

The feature to connect WhatsApp on multiple phones was initially announced in April and was already available for Android phone users. Now, with the new update, iOS OS users can also enjoy this feature.

Importantly, WhatsApp maintains the same level of privacy and security, using end-to-end encryption to protect communications. By connecting the app on multiple devices, users will receive calls and messages on all connected devices.

To connect an iPhone as an additional cell phone, simply tap the “Connect this device” option on the phone number confirmation screen.

Other updates

The latest WhatsApp update not only brings the long-awaited functionality of connecting the application to multiple phones, but also offers other interesting features for users.

It is now possible to save important messages in conversations that have the temporary messages feature turned on. The user needs to press the message they want to highlight and select the “Save to conversation” option. After that, the message will not be deleted.

Additionally, the update brings a text overlay for status updates, allowing users to customize their posts with different fonts and background colors.

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