What is cyberbullying?

O cyberbullying and the violence perpetrated over the internet or through other technologies, that is, using the virtual space to intimidate someone, with insults and attacks online.

The term originated from the junction between the word “cyber ” (originating from the English defines virtual communications through digital media) and “bullying” (means to humiliate or intimidate a person).

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O cyberbullying, in addition to being considered a crime, can cause several consequences to the people attacked. This crime is usually committed by teenagers, but there is also a frequency among adults.

consequences of cyberbullying 

O cyberbullying may cause consequences for the people attacked. The symptoms are related to those who suffered bullying. These are:

  • Eating disorders;
  • Anxiety disorders;
  • lack of appetite;
  • Headache;
  • Death wish;
  • depression;
  • Irritability;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Stomach problems.

There are cases that are so extreme that the victim may commit suicide.

Data about cyberbullying

A survey carried out by the Ipsos Institute states that Brazil is the second country with the highest incidence of cyberbullying of the world. Approximately 30% of parents or guardians stated that they knew of at least one case in which their child was a victim of bullying. In first place was India, with 35%. Both countries surpassed the global average, which is 17%.

Of 20,793 people interviewed, from 28 countries, only 11% said they did not know of cases that their children had gone through.

Also according to the survey, 65% of cases of cyberbullying are practiced through digital media and 45% through smartphones. In addition, the survey came to the conclusion that crime preservation policies are not enough, since 25% of parents had never heard of this type of violence.

cyberbullying, the filmCyberbullying movie

O film cyberbullying (Virtual Bullying) is a film that portrays the story of a girl who was a victim of bullying through a social network. The film was released in 2011 in the United States and in 2012 in Brazil.

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