Elon Musk's Advice for Deciding a Career in the Age of AI

Artificial Intelligence is a trend that is here to stay and there is no denying its great influence in our society. Proof of this is that the dynamics of work and profession has changed a lot in recent years due to the influence of AI. That said, the billionaire Elon Musk decided to advise on which profession to choose in the age of AI.

Choosing work in the age of AI

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In recent months, much has been discussed about Artificial intelligence, especially after the consolidation of the ChatGPT.

After all, now we can have a complete dimension of how this mechanism works and how it can impact activities that we previously saw as exclusive to humans. Therefore, there have been and will continue to be changes in the world of work.

For example, much is already said about the professions that may arise with the development of AI, as well as those that may disappear. That said, how, exactly, should we choose which profession to follow in a context of so many uncertainties? For Tesla and Twitter billionaire CEO Elon Musk, this could be a tough decision.

In a recent interview with CNBC, Musk was asked what advice he would give his children or a young person about the profession he would choose, in view of the advancement of AI.

So, Musk says that this is a difficult question, but that he still believes that young people should seek something that they find interesting and that brings personal fulfillment.

The risks of artificial intelligence

On the other hand, Musk did not disregard the impact that Artificial Intelligence has and will continue to have in the coming years. So much so that, in his advice, he also specifies that it is necessary to choose a profession that is useful for the rest of society.

Therefore, something that has a certain long-term appreciation.

Soon after, he also shows concern about the future of professions in view of AI. He even went so far as to suggest that AI is on its way to becoming a “genius in the bottle”, capable of fulfilling all requests.

Finally, he concludes that if this indeed happens, it will be very difficult to compete with the artificial intelligence that can “do better”.

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