What signs are hidden in the word search?

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Word Search is a game that consists of locating the word hidden among randomly arranged letters. The game aims to test your cognitive and perceptual skills in a fun way.

In today's article, we are going to provide another example of word search with the theme of sign names. Can you find everything that is hidden?

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Solve the challenge quickly

The theme of today's word search is name of signs. You must find all the zodiac signs in the word search below.

To resolve it quickly, we'll help you with some tips. Check it out now:

1. Search the letters in every possible way

To search for words, ideally you search the letters from top to bottom and from bottom to top and then from right to left and from left to right. Words can be written standing up, upside down, in the normal direction or in the opposite direction. Therefore, if you search the letters in this way, it will be easier for you to find the words that are hidden in a contrary to the traditional way.

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2. Start looking for vowels

Most letters have vowels, so by looking for those letters that are most common to be present in the word, it's easier for you to locate the hidden words.

3. Search for the word itself

In this word search, because you already know which words are hidden, you can search for the word itself. Searching in every direction and looking for the letters that make up the words.

Well, now that you've learned a little with these tips, how about putting them into practice?

To help you even more, let's talk about which direction the signs are.


1. Aquarium;
2. Capricorn;
3. Cancer;
4. Fish;
5. Lb;
6. Twins;
7. Sagittarius.


8. Lion;
9. Scorpion;
10. Bull;
11. Virgin;
12. Aries.

Now, try to solve the word search

Signs hidden in the word search


So, did you manage to find all the words hidden in the pastime? If you haven't found it, don't worry! Let's make it available now where they are! See below:

Signs hidden in the word search

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