At verbal agreement, O verb it adapts to the number and person of the subject, that is, the conjugation of the verb varies according to the number (singular or plural) and the person of the subject (first, second or third person). However, it is possible to find specific cases that are formed by structures that escape the most basic structure of syntax (simple subject + verb + complement), thus bringing the compound and indeterminate subjects, expressions that indicate approximate quantity, percentage, clauses without a subject, etc., which ends up demanding specific recommendations for the agreement.
How does verbal agreement take place?
Verbal agreement occurs when the verb conjugation adapts to subject in number and in person. The subject can be singular or plural and can be in 1st, 2nd or 3rd person. Look:
singular |
plural |
1ª |
me |
we |
2ª |
you |
you |
3ª |
he/she |
they |
The conjugation of the verb agrees with the subject it is referring to. See the statements below:
Wewe love very much this movie.
(Subject + verb + complement)Youloves very much this movie.
(Subject + verb + complement)Theylove very much this movie.
(Subject + verb + complement)
Remember that when it comes to subjectcompound (that is, a subject that has more than one nucleus), the conjugation will be in the plural. having the subject me or we, the verb is conjugated in the 1st person. If there is no 1st person, but there is you or you, the verb is conjugated in the 2nd person. Finally, the verb is conjugated in the 3rd person if there is no 1st or 2nd person subject:
we train on the same team you and me. (we = 1st person plural)
you and your husbanddo you like of the same things. (you = 2nd person plural)
the crystal and the diamond shined very. (they = 3rd person plural)
Read too:what is the difference between theçverbal agreement with simple and compound subject?
Specific cases of verbal agreement
There are many doubts about verbal agreement in some specific cases. Let's learn about them!
→ Agreement with relative pronouns
When the subject of the prayer is the relative pronounwhat (not being the predicament of another prayer), the verb agrees with antecedent term:
Mewhatfound out everything.
They were not he and the sisterwhatThey were without Eat?
When the subject of the clause is the relative pronoun who, the verb tends to go to the 3rd person singular, but can also agree with the antecedent term:
Mewhofound everything. (or even: I'm the one who discovered everything.)
They were not he and the sisterwhowas without Eat? (Or: Wasn't it he and his sister who weren't eating?)
Read too:Verbal agreement with a displaced subject: how to do it?
→ Agreement in subjectless clauses
In subjectless sentences, the verb is in 3rd person singular, even if other elements in the sentence are in the plural:
Rained a lot for several days.
Already goes by from two o'clock!
→ Agreement in the verbal expression
when it occurs verbal phrase, that is, when an auxiliary verb accompanies a main verb, only the auxiliary verb will agree with the subject:
The director and coordinatorcould do more meetings.
Youyou must order lots of sweets for the party.
→ Agreement with verb there
with a sense of to have or when it works as a verbal locution, agree with the subject to which it refers:
We twowe have of having the faith to face this difficulty.
Many menhad given up to talk to him.
with a sense of exist, remains singular, because it is a prayer without a subject:
There ismany beautiful things in that place.
let there bethe problems that there is, we will not give up.
It is noteworthy that the verb exist normally agrees with the subject:
Exists something beautiful in that place.
They exist many beautiful things in that place.
→ Agreement with pronoun “if”
When it has the function of subject indeterminacy index, O pronoun if it is inserted in a clause in which the subject is indeterminate. That is why, the verb will invariably remain in the 3rd person singular:
it isnew and sensitive issues.
livevery well in that region.
When it has the function of particlepassive, the pronoun if is inserted into a subject clause. That is why, the verb will agree with the subject:
sold outmany toys. (Many toys were sold.)
sold outjust a toy. (just a toy It sold.)
When it has the function of pronounreflective, also agree with the subject to which the verb refers:
make-up-if for the show the group dancers.
comb-if daily in front of the mirror. (he if combdaily in front of the mirror.)
See too: Cases of agreement between verbs and the pronoun if
Subject represented by expression indicating approximate quantity
When the subject is an expression that indicates an approximate number of beings (the majority of, a great part of), the agreement tends to come in the singular, but it can occur in the plural:
most of the listeners reported a nuisance with those words.
most students wanted continue with the journey.
→ Subject represented by percentage
It is more common for the verb to agree with the term that specifies the percentage:
In the survey, 98.1% of respondents prefer stay at home.
If the term is not explicit, it is more common for the verb to agree with the number:
In the interview, 98,1% prefer stay at home while 1,9% prefer get out.
Subject linked by emphatic additive series (not only... but; so much... how much; not only... like)
If the compound subject is connected by an emphatic additive series, the conjugation of the verb can go to the plural or agree with the closest term:
both the sun and the moon they are stars that beautify the sky.
both the sun and the moon é a star that beautifies the sky.
Not only life but death é unpredictable.
Not only life but death they are unpredictable.
→ Subject connected by with
If the compound subject is linked by the conjunction with, the conjugation of the verb is optional: it tends to follow the number of the first subject, highlighting it in detriment of the others that accompany it, but it can go to the plural to emphasize the simultaneous participation of all subjects in the action.
The eldest son, with his wife and daughter, movedas soon as he got the promotion.
The manager with the salesperson and the entire team made a great action in the store.
subject linked by or and by nor
If the compound subject is linked by the conjunction or and nor, the verb conjugation may agree with the closest term if the conjunction indicates exclusion (in the case of just one subject) or equivalence (in the case of the same subject).
Grandmother or our mother twice he must always be heard and respected.
Neither the disease nor the cure it will be the consequence of your decision.
However, if the action can be attributed to all subjects, the conjugation will be in the plural:
pepper or paprika let the food very strong.
Neither the boy nor the girl could go out to play.

solved exercises
question 1
I. There must be a lot of problems in that place.
II. There must be a lot of problems in that place.
III. There must be a lot of problems in that place.
IV. There must be a lot of problems in that place.
Of the sentences above, which ones are within the standard norm of the Portuguese language?
a) I and III.
b) II and IV.
c) I and IV.
d) II and III.
e) I, II, III and IV.
Alternative C, as there is no inflection of the number for the verb “haver” when it has the meaning of “exist”. Therefore, the verb “ought”, which accompanies the verb “haver”, remains singular. However, the same does not occur when it comes to the verb “to exist”. In this case, the verb “exist” inflects the number to agree with the plural subject, so the verb “ought” is plural.
Question 2 - Tick the alternative that shows correct verbal agreement.
a) There is a lot to discuss.
b) I'm the one who will have the next vacation.
c) Most parents and teachers did not agree with the discussion.
d) A lot of furniture is donated each year.
e) Me, you and he had fought for that.
Alternative c), because the verb “agree” is in agreement with the term “the majority” (in the singular). In alternative a), the verb “to have” should be in the singular (it has), since it is a clause without a subject. In alternative b), the verb should agree with the subject that precedes the pronoun “that” (I will have it). In alternative d), the verb should be in the plural, agreeing with the subject (a lot of furniture is donated). In alternative e), the auxiliary verb should agree with the compound subject (we had struggled).
By Guilherme Viana
Portuguese teacher
Source: Brazil School -