Public Servant's Day

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On October 28th is the day of the civil servant. The date was instituted in the government of President Getúlio Vargas, through the creation of the Federal Council of Civil Public Service, in 1937.

In 1938, the Administrative Department of the Public Service of Brazil was founded, where this type of service became more widely used.

The laws governing the rights and duties of employees who provide public services are in Decree No. 1713, of October 28, 1939, which is why it is the day of commemoration of this professional.

On December 11, 1990, the new Statute of Civil Servants of the Union, autarchies and federal public foundations, Law nº 8112, was published, changing several provisions of the old law, but the rights and duties of these servers are defined and established in the Federal Constitution of Brazil, in addition to the statutes of the entities in which work.

Public services are divided into hierarchical classes, according to government bodies, which can be municipal, state or federal. The services provided can be from various areas of activity, such as justice, health, security, etc.

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To be a public servant, you must participate in public examinations and pass them, thus guaranteeing a place as a professional. The good thing about this type of work is that the server has stability, it cannot be released from its duties. Only in extreme cases, in which the lack of suitability of a public official is proven, is he removed from his position.

The salaries of civil servants are paid by public coffers, depending on the location. If it is municipal, they are paid by city halls; if state, by state governments; and if federal, paid by the coffers of the Union.

Public servants must be helpful and educated, as they work to serve the civilian population of a locality. It is common to see people complain about public services, their lack of resources, lack of professionals to provide proper care or even because they are rude and harsh with the population. It is good to emphasize that these professionals deal with what is public, that is, what belongs to all people. Therefore, they earn to provide services to the entire community.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy

Source: Brazil School -

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