6 short prayers to teach children

Religious education can start from an early age in an easy and playful way for the little ones. It is not necessary to introduce the entire bible to children, but it is possible to tell some stories and present some important passages. Therefore, below we will show some prayers for children, which are short and you can teach your children.

Why teach children prayers?

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Prayers are great for organizing a child's thought processes, as well as bringing calm to the mind and body. Prayers are able to bring some comfort to people, guide us on the path of our own inner peace.

Introducing the child to learn to pray can even help that child to know himself and realize his attributes. That's why we'll show you some important prayers that every child should be taught in school, so that they start their days attracting good things to themselves.

6 prayers to teach children

  1. "Oh Jesus. Please be with us as we begin our school day today. Make this day joyful and bless our friends, teachers and parents who care for us. In Jesus, we pray. A man."

  2. “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.To him be the glory now and in the day of eternity. A man.”2 Peter 3:18

  1. "Dear God. Bless every student who comes to our school today. Protect them from the evil eyes of enemies. Let them have a healthy and safe school year. May they progress better than before. Give them a peaceful environment to learn and healthy living all year round. A man."

  1. “O God. We give thanks for teachers whose hearts are made of gold. Please be their shield as they guide us wisely. Watch over them as they carry out the tasks you have entrusted to them. Be your light in uncertain times. A man."

  1. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; his works are wonderful, I know this very well.” Psalm 139:14

  1. "The Lord. Thank you for showing us our path to virtue. Now we know our purpose. We must obey and respect our teachers who have come to guide us in our path of righteousness. We hold you in our hearts as we walk the path you have destined for us. A man."

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