See EVERYTHING you need to know before applying for the Auxílio Brasil loan

Auxílio Brasil is a government program created to help assisted families through an increase in monthly income. Now the beneficiary is entitled, if he wants and needs, to make a payroll loan. On the last Monday of September, the Ministry of Citizenship posted an ordinance that regulates the norms for granting this credit by private financial institutions that choose to offer it.

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Know the position of the banks

So far, only Caixa Econômica Federal has guaranteed that it will adhere to the modality, but without revealing dates. Institutions said they are studying the possibility while others have already said they will not be present. UOL approached Banco do Brasil, Banco Pan and Banco Safra, who said they are still evaluating the chance of granting the loans. BMG, Bradesco, Itaú, Inter, Nubank and Santander will be left out.

In addition to large banks, digital banks, companies that offer microcredit and credit unions are some of the institutions that will be authorized to make payroll through Auxílio Brasil.

loan rules

According to the rules made available, the interest rate is limited to 3.5% per month or 51.5% per year. These numbers exceed charges in different payroll options present in the market, such as INSS policyholders and public servants as well.

The Credit Opening Fee (TAC) or any other administrative fee cannot be charged, nor can the grace period be released for initiating the payment. This period to settle debt is up to 24 months.

The assignable margin is 40%. That is, this is the percentage of the benefit that the contractor can commit to the contract. The installments are deducted directly from the amount of the aid. Something worth pointing out is that, even if the benefit is cancelled, there will still be a need to pay off the loan in full.

“Even if you stop receiving the Auxílio Brasil benefit, you need to organize yourself to pay the loan every month by the end of the month. end of the term of the contract, depositing the value of the installment in your account” explained the team responsible for the folder of the Citizenship.

Find out when you can hire

It is expected that service contracts can be made from the first half of October, that is, the option is not yet available. Your process will be very simple and will require documents such as identity and/or CNH, CPF, signed consignment authorization term and a financial education guidance questionnaire.

The questionnaire is mandatory and aims to make the Brazilian understand the conditions of the entire operation. One of the questions is: “Did you understand that, starting next month, the installment will be deducted monthly from your benefit and this will make it reach you at a lower amount?”.

It is worth remembering that the government prohibited “any active marketing activity, offer commercial, proposal, publicity” with the objective of convincing a beneficiary of the program to take the loan.

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