Titanic: Jack could have climbed in the door with Rose, says director James Cameron

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If he is a lover of films, it's not possible that Titanic is off her list. This cinema phenomenon was even winner of several Oscars because of its quality of production, direction and acting. Actors such as Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet were part of the cast. Recently, the director of the film – James Cameron – admitted that there is a chance of survival for Jack in Titanic. See more details on this subject.

Experiments: Would Jack have survived the Titanic or not?

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First, we need to understand what the movie is about.

The plot tells the story of a poor artist and a rich young woman, who meet and fall in love on the fateful journey of the Titanic in 1912. Although she is engaged to the arrogant heir of a steel company, the young woman defies her family and friends in search of true love.

Years after the film's release, director James Cameron auditioned for a Titanic 25th anniversary special. He said that Jack, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, even had the possibility to go next door with Rose, played by Kate Winslet.

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If Jack had actually used the door, would he have survived?

Cameron says it's impossible to confirm whether Jack would have actually survived. The director's speech came after conducting a test with his team of researchers and two stuntmen to celebrate a special 25th anniversary of the film.

In the work that aired in 1997, Kate stood on top of a piece of door waiting to be rescued after the sinking of the Titanic. Jack, when he found her, decided to lean on the door as well, but kept his body submerged.

Shortly thereafter, he ends up freezing to death.

Although there are some tests on the possibility that Jack climbed in the door and survived, this experiment was never done by the director. In the experiment that Cameron ran with his researchers and stunt doubles, several different scenarios were simulated to see if Jack and Kate could have split the piece of wood.

In the first situation, both were with their feet in the water, then they would die. In the other example, Kate would give Jack the vest to stabilize his body temperature and thus he would be able to withstand the cold until rescuers arrived.


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