Initiative aims to improve internet access for low-income people

The program Internet Brazil must provide a free mobile broadband connection to low-income children and adolescents in the public school system. In this sense, the initiative will deliver and maintain up to 700,000 chips, with 20Gbs data packages for students enrolled in the CadÚnico.

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Internet Brazil

The program was instituted by Law No. 14,351 and later published in the Official Gazette at the end of May. Thus, the expectation with this measure is that there will be a reduction of between 30% and 40% in the number of homes that do not have access to broadband.

Those interested in the program will have to meet certain requirements to be covered by the benefit, as is the case with other aid granted to citizens by the Federal Government.

The schools whose students will benefit from the program will be responsible for receiving and distributing the chips from the Internet Brasil, in addition to registering the distribution, and should also keep the chips that, by chance, are not handed out.

The benefit will be prohibited for people who do not have electronic devices that allow them to enjoy the benefit, and for those already have a chip and data package made available by other public policies at the federal, state or municipal.

How will the connection be?

The connection will be through a chip delivered to each of the students, which will have a data package. The implementation of this measure, according to the government, will happen gradually.

Thus, initially, the cities that are already covered by the Northeast program will be covered Connected, namely: Caicó (RN), Caruaru (PB), Campina Grande (PB), Juazeiro (BA), Petrolina (PE) and Mossoró (RN).

Around 10,000 chips will be distributed later this year to students who are studying fundamental (from the 3rd year) or high school in public schools of the municipal network or state. As for internet access, it can be made available to all students who request the benefit, even if they are part of the same family nucleus.

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