Learn how to identify a fake ticket

Despite the emergence of payment for pix, which ended up conquering the hearts of Brazilians, boleto is still widely used in the country, being considered the third preferred payment method by the population.

Although many people are already used to paying everything in ticket, many blows are still applied through this type of operation. In 2021, 4.1 million suspected frauds were registered with this type of payment, an increase of 16.8% compared to 2020.

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Criminals manage to create boletos very similar to real ones, which causes victims to fall without even realizing it. Therefore, it is very important to know how to recognize a fake boleto and identify signs that you may be being subjected to a scam. So, follow these eight tips that will help you identify if your boleto is fake.

  1. Check the source: It is important to check the credibility of the person or company that sends you the slip, as this is the safest way to know if you can trust that document.
  2. Bar code: Always try to use the boleto barcode to make the payment in the app. If your bank's app can't read the code, it could be a sign of fraud.
  3. Ticket names: Pay attention to the name on the ticket before making the payment. A DDA, CPF or CNPJ on behalf of unknown people or companies is a strong indication that that billet may not be true.
  4. Different values: Pay attention to the amount printed on the ticket, as if it is different from the amount at the time of payment, it is very likely to be fraud. But also be suspicious if the value is the same, as equal values ​​do not guarantee that it is official.
  5. Be wary of tickets by email and SMS: If you didn't request a duplicate of a bill and it suddenly arrived in your email box or by SMS, be suspicious.
  6. Pay attention to the numbering: See if the first few digits of the barcode match the issuing bank. You can access the numbering of institutions on the Febran website.
  7. Spelling errors: It is very common for wrong words to appear on fake slips, so if you find something like that, be alert.
  8. Know your salaries: Have a control of your pay slips, write down all their due dates, as this makes it more difficult to fall into such a scam.

But if, even so, you end up falling into such a scam, immediately look for the financial institution that issued the ticket, as there is a deadline until it is compensated, so it may be possible to recover your money.

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