The neologism consists of a word or new expression, created to designate a new concept or object.
The process of creating this word or expression is also called neologism.
The creation of the new term can be based on the lexicon, semantics or syntax of the Portuguese language or another language.
Look at the five examples of neologisms below and learn more about the concept.
1. Google

The word googlar is a verb that designates the act of carrying out searches on the Internet through the Google search engine.
Inspired by English I'm google, Google has received the title of most useful word of 2002.
Googlar has the Portuguese form of the word guglar.
2. shippar

Shippar is a word that came up in Internet and originates from the termination -ship of word relationship (relationship).
If someone ship a couple, this means that someone is rooting for the couple to have a relationship.
When a person ships names, he joins a part of the name of each member of a couple, thus generating a single word that represents him.
Bruna Marquezine + Neymar = Brumar
See too ship.
3. deboism

Deboism is a neologism that originates from the expression good.
It is a kind of philosophical theory where the main objective is to live well; in a nice With the life.
Good can mean peaceful, quiet, calm, unhurried.
Today I woke up feeling good.
Due to its calm and serenity, the sloth was chosen as the mascot of this philosophical current.
know more about deboism.
4. Internetese

Internetese is the word that designates a language typically used in Internet, mainly in emails and chats.
The use of this type of language is common especially among young people, as they are used to the practicality and speed of everything that is instantaneous.
One of the characteristics of Internetese is the use of abbreviated words in order to make communication faster.
- kd = where
- today = today
- Tb or Tbm = also
5. zebra

The expression to give zebra originated in the animal game.
Each of the 25 animals that make up the game is represented by pairs of tens from 00 to 99.
The zebra, however, is not part of this group.
So the expression zebra began to be used when the result of the game was something totally different from what was expected, in other words, something considered as impossible to happen as the result of the animal being/gives a zebra game.
IMPORTANT: the animal game is prohibited in Brazil.
know more about neologism.
Enjoy and know the meaning of lexicon and semantics.