Benefits that the Federal Government offers to those who are jobless

Millions of people are suffering from unemployment in Brazil, causing their family income to decrease and hindering the well-being of the family. However, the Government provides some benefits for those who are enrolled in the Pis/Pasep or in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) to minimize these issues. See below some benefits available to those who are unemployed in the country.

Read more: New Unemployment Insurance ceiling: find out now what the value will be for 2022

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6 government benefits for the unemployed:

  • Unemployment insurance

This initiative aims to temporarily help those who have suffered an unfair dismissal. With that, it becomes a way to soften the financial consequences of this dismissal. In this way, go to the federal government website or through the “Carteira de Trabalho Digital” application to request it.

  • gas allowance

Auxílio Gás is the Federal Government program aimed at reducing the effect of the price of cooking gas on the budget of low-income families. Thus, this benefit is limited to each beneficiary family, in alternate months, in the amount of R$52.00, which represents 50% of the average price of the cylinder.

  • FGTS withdrawal

Even for those formal workers who were fired without just cause, they can still withdraw their FGTS (Service Time Guarantee Fund). In this way, when the dismissal takes place, the company contacts Caixa (the bank that manages the FGTS) and this money is released within 5 working days.

  • Brazil Aid

It is a program that integrates several public policies of social assistance, health, education, employment and income. This social platform is aimed at families in extreme poverty in the country.

  • free shipping

This benefit is specific to the city of São Paulo, but it facilitates access to means of transport for those who lost their jobs and, consequently, reduced their income. In this way, you can request the Special Unemployed Ticket on the Metro and the Unemployed Worker Credential on the CPTM (Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos).

  • Social Electricity Tariff

Finally, this rate can be requested by families that are enrolled in the CadÚnico, provided that their monthly family income is less than or equal to half the minimum wage. In addition, this initiative also accepts those who are elderly aged 65 or over; people with disabilities who receive the Benefit of Continued Provision (BPC) and registered families who have a family member with an illness or disability.

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