Serasa and SuperSim are investigated for blocking cell phones of debtors

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Customers who are part of financial institutions such as Serasa, Supersim, and who are overdue in installments, are experiencing a block on their cell phones. The MPDF (Prosecutor's Office of the Federal District) investigates whether the activity is correct and whether Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) authorizes this practice.

In addition to these companies above, there are others to be investigated in the process, such as: Banco Digio, Votorantim, Pan, Finamax, Socinal Financeira, among others.

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According to the MP, the Consumer Defense Prosecutor's Office, these companies Serasa and Supersim, transfer this money to those who owe it, however, they demand the guarantee of the cell phone. Thus, remotely blocking the device, only providing access to emergency calls. It is worth mentioning that, most of the time, companies require Android model cell phones, equivalent to R$ 2,500.00.

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For the MP, this action has evidence that it may be illegal, mainly because it totally violates the Consumer Protection Code and the General Data Protection Law.

Finally, in a note, the companies that are being investigated, claim that they have not received notifications from the Consumer Protection Office at any time. In addition, they are unaware of the service for selling loans in exchange for cell phones.

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