Public tenders: Federal Government authorizes the opening of more than 3 thousand vacancies

People who wish to take public tenders, the so-called “concurseiros”, have reason to celebrate. This is because the Federal Government authorized the filling of more than 3,000 vacancies in the federal public service.

The remuneration offered in various positions is variable, ranging from R$ 6,000 to R$ 21,000 per month. Were you curious to know more details and finally get one of these vacancies? So, keep on reading!

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If you are interested in the subject and wish to occupy a position in public service, know that it was recently published that the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) is the body with the largest number of open positions, offering 895 of them.

Next, the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services offers 650 vacancies. Of this total number, 500 will be allocated to all social ministries, not just the most recent ones.

Research reveals that the current scenario is the greatest ever recorded compared to previous years. The Minister of Management, Esther Dweck, says that, since 2017, more than 80,000 civil servants of the federal public administration have been lost due to the lack of replacement of staff.

(Image: Disclosure)

About the field of education

Regarding the education sector, the Ministry of Management reported that, in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MEC), 5,000 vacancies will be distributed to professors and administrative technicians at federal educational institutions. All of them were made available in the first week of July, after the approval of Bill 12/2023 in the National Congress.

Finally, Esther Dweck explained that priority is always given to new open campuses, as the budget limit does not allow filling all the vacanciesexisting. Therefore, together with the MEC, a new distribution will be carried out so that the expansion of universities and public institutes continues.

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