Surprising: did you know that THESE things were made like this?

There is nothing more common today than having access to finished products, so we don't think about how they were made. This becomes even more evident when we think of foods, whether industrialized or fast food, as we cannot see the preparation process. Ever thought about it? See how these items are created!

How are these things created?

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The way some elements on this list are made may shock you, because they can be seen as unusual and even disgusting. Our intention is not to make you stop consuming or using anything, just to inform you about the way of preparation, since it can be unusual.

1. Silk 

Silk is one of the main fabrics found in clothing and accessories. It is even used in bedding. Did you know that she is made from the silkworm? And unlike what many people think, it doesn't just release a liquid that will be used to make the fabric. In fact, the insect is a caterpillar.

When going to become a moth, it creates a cocoon made of a single silk thread. To make the silk, it is enough to unroll the cocoon, as in this way almost 800 meters of strong and continuous thread are obtained.

2. bushings

Bath sponges are made from plants, not marine animals. They were widely used in previous decades, but have fallen into disuse. They come from pumpkin plants, specifically dried gourd.

3. Gelatin

This is a food remembered for its texture, which is incomparable. What a lot of people don't know is that gelatin is made from animal skin. More precisely, collagen proteins, which are found in large amounts in the skins that are “left over” from factory animals.

4. mushrooms

If you thought mushrooms grew in fields just like plants, think again.

different from plants, they are fungal structures, so they don't need sunlight to grow. They are decomposers, so they eat nutrients from the environment to grow, which can be hay, straw, animal remains and even manure.

5. Asparagus

Asparagus can be called a small baby plant, because the one we know is in an early growth phase of the plant. Each winter it dies and needs to be replanted. This initial phase “generates” the asparagus we know and eat.

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