Do you know the feline flu? Know what to do if your cat has any symptoms

It is quite common that in the coldest months of the year there is a significant increase in flu cases. In this sense, all those who have a pet at home should also be alert, since the feline flu it is one of the most common diseases among cats at these times.

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However, despite showing symptoms similar to a cold, it is necessary to be aware, as this disease causes a certain discomfort and can pose risks to kittens. To learn how to protect your pet from feline flu, read on.

What is feline flu?

As much as it is a well-known condition, there are still many questions about feline flu. But what is this disease all about? We call flu any and all illness that attacks the respiratory system.

This infection can come from several factors, since it depends on the causative agent. However, in general, the term is linked to rhinotracheitis, a very worrying condition for cats, known to be highly contagious.

It is worth mentioning that, although the symptoms are similar, we should not confuse the feline flu with the colds that attack the human body. The causes are quite different, and therefore care must be taken in order not to underestimate the severity of the disease in kittens.

What are the causes of feline flu?

We already know that the causes for a cat to catch the flu can be diverse. Like rhinotracheitis, which is the problem most associated with the common cold in felines. It is a disease that originates from three main agents:

  • Feline Herpesvirus: very contagious virus, also called HVF;
  • Feline Calicivirus: virus with a high contagion rate, known as CVF,
  • Chamydophila felis: bacteria that can also cause rhinotracheitis, although these are rare cases.

The pet can contaminate itself by having contact with some other animal that presents an infection frame. This happens mainly with cats that have access to the street. It is important to note that this disease is quite contagious and any type of interaction with an infected cat can be enough for your feline to develop the flu.

However, there are other situations that can also lead the kitty to have breathing problems, such as a simple rhinitis. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to catch up with your furry exams.

Feline flu symptoms

Noticing that your cat has the flu is not difficult. Thus, we highlight below the main symptoms of feline flu:

  • Cough;
  • Sneezing;
  • Nasal secretions;
  • Eye secretions;
  • Fever;
  • loss of appetite,
  • Apathy;
  • Lethargy.

That is, your kitten looks similar to you when you have the flu: without cheer, with a cough and may even have a fever.

feline flu treatments

Treatment should begin with a visit to the veterinarian. The specialist will analyze the pet's symptoms and history and, with this information, will reach a conclusion regarding the cause of the disease.

In most cases, the treatment of feline flu consists of offering all the necessary conditions for the cat's organism to be able to fight the disease. Learn about the measures that must be taken to promote an improvement in the health of the pet:

  • Hydration: always have fresh, clean water near your furry friend;
  • Quality feed: it is recommended to mix wet food with dry food to facilitate ingestion and also stimulate hydration;
  • Medication: in some cases, feline flu medicine and antibiotics may be recommended. In addition, the use of dietary supplements can also be a good nutrition option. However, medication should only be taken under specialized medical guidance.

With the above precautions, your kitten will recover quickly from the flu, as the recovery rate for cats with the flu is very high.

To prevent this disease, always keep your pet's vaccination book up to date, a good diet and exercise routine. Also, prevent him from having access to the street and take your pet frequently to the vet.

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