US security general does not rule out chances of alien presence

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The objects that have been hovering over the United States sky have raised great suspicions of invasion alien in the country. Three unidentified objects flying over the sky have been located, and these are being analyzed by the US government. This time, they continue looking for the wreckage of the slaughter to analyze whether the presence of aliens is possible.

Air Force General Glen VanHerck, who is responsible for overseeing US airspace, said that there are possibilities that the unidentified flying object represents the existence of aliens, although it did not induce reflect on the case. Although the statement was conceived by the security specialist, this is a function of the specialists of the North American intelligence sector.

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US suspects alien apparition

The first days of February were marked by the presence of an alleged Chinese balloon, which put US security on alert. According to information, there was a suspicion that the balloon was being used to monitor the space of war armament of the USA, located in Montana. On the other hand, anonymously, a military officer reported that it was not possible to find evidence that the object would be of alien origin.

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VanHerck was asked about the possibility that the three flying objects were from aliens and he immediately informed that he does not rule out the possibility, but that this is a function of the intelligence sector local. Within days, three unidentified flying objects were spotted in the sky.

The general's statement was conceived after the F-16 fighter shot down the aerial object last Sunday (12), in Lake Huron, between Canada and the U.S.

“At this point, we are continuing to assess every unknown threat or potential threat approaching North America. in an attempt to identify it”, he said, saying that it was not possible to immediately identify what was treated.

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