This one or this one? — Learn when to use each one!

THE word "of this" it is formed by the preposition “of” plus the demonstrative pronoun “esse”. already the word "of this" it is formed by the preposition “of” plus the demonstrative pronoun “this”. Therefore, the words “desse” and “deste” will be used when the pronouns “esse” and “this” play the role of complement of a term that requires the preposition “of”.

Read too: In order or in order?

When to use this one?

The word "this" is formed by the preposition “of” plus the demonstrative pronoun "that". So, we must, first of all, understand when the pronoun “this” is used.

  • Reference to beings that are far from the speaker and close to the person you talk to:

Adamastor, I want that pencil that you are wearing.

  • Indication of future time:

When that morning to arrive, she will understand what I did.

  • Reference to something already mentioned previously:

I can only say that that your questioning it doesn't make any sense.

  • Indication of near past:

That event of yesterday will never be forgotten.

  • Reference to an already mentioned term at the utterance:

O diary of the singer caused controversy, since that exposed her ex-husband's intimacy.

Therefore, the word "that" will be used when the pronoun “this” exercise the complement function of a thermo that requires thepreposition "in".

Northwind, I need of that pencil that you are wearing.

I'm afraid of that sad day that reach inevitably.

The necessity of that your questioning is non-existent.

Of that event of yesterday I will always remember.

O diary of the singer caused controversy, since of that details of her ex-husband's intimacy were extracted.

Note that in these examples, the pronoun “this” is complement of the terms “need”, “fear”, “need”, “I will remember” and “extracted”. Furthermore, all these terms require the preposition "of", that is, “I need in", "necessity in”, “I will remember in” and “extracted in”.

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When to use this one?

The word "this" is formed by the preposition “of” plus the demonstrative pronoun "This one". So, it is necessary to understand when the pronoun “this” is used.

  • Reference to beings that are near the speaker:

Northwind, want This one pencil that I'm using?

  • Indication of present tense:

When This one morning to finish, she will understand what I did.

  • Reference to something that will be mentioned in the statement:

I choose This one: O questioning that doesn't make any sense.

  • Indication of the place where the speaker is:

This one country doesn't know how to value people like me.

Therefore, the word “this” will be used when the pronoun “this” exercise the complement function of a thermo that requires the preposition "in".

Northwind, you need of this pencil that I'm using?

I won't miss of this sad day that is ending.

There were several, but she was just afraid of this: O questioning irrefutable.

people like me don't get anything of this parents.

Note that, in the statements, the pronoun “this” is complement the terms “need”, “saudade”, “fear” and “receive”. Furthermore, all these terms require the preposition "of", that is, “need in", "longing in", "fear in” and “receive something in”.

Read too: Finally or in the end?

solved exercises

Question 01

Analyze the statements below and mark the alternative where the use of “this” or “this” is INCORRECT.

a) When I went to Ireland, I learned that writers like Oscar Wilde and James Joyce came from that country.

b) I want to leave this country urgently, as I can no longer stand the way I am treated here.

c) Eleonora, if you fall off that chair and get hurt, I will be very mad at you, girl!

d) When I get out of this car, I promise that I will never hitch a ride with strangers again.

e) I no longer want to talk about this subject that you insist on reminding me of every five minutes.


Alternative “b”.

The demonstrative pronoun “this” is used when referring to the place where the speaker is. Thus, in the utterance in question, it is inappropriate to use “this one”, since the speaker is in the mentioned country, as the use of the adverb “here” clearly demonstrates. The correct way, therefore, is “to leave this country”.

Question 02

Use the terms “this” or “this” to correctly fill in the gaps in the following dialogue:

"Here's your book, teacher."

“Ah! And what did you think, Alessandra?"

“I thought J. Forster fled from difficult topics.”

"The cowardice ______ author is clear."

"Teacher, open to page thirty, please."

"OK. Wait a moment."

"The ______ pages in the book are very thin, teacher."

"I also prefer thicker, rougher pages."

"I made a pencil note there, I hope you don't mind."

"Here it is."

"Read it, teacher."

“J. Forster shows some ignorance. The lack of certainty ______ when talking about social problems indicates his little knowledge of the subject.”

"That's what I think, teacher."

The correct sequence for filling in the gaps is:

a) this, this, this.

b) that, that, that.

c) this, this, this.

d) this, this, this.

e) that, that, that.


Alternative “e”.

The first occurrence refers to the author, already mentioned before. The second refers to the book, which is far from the person who speaks (Alessandra) and close to the person with whom one speaks (teacher). The third refers to M. Forster, name mentioned earlier in the statement.

by Warley Souza
grammar teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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