Parents on board: 5 tips to make flying with kids easier

Traveling is always a challenge, but when it comes to traveling with children, the situation can be even more difficult, because the little ones find it difficult to stay still. At this point, it might be useful for parents to know some tips for traveling by plane with children.

After all, after your family, other people will also get on the plane, so it's important to take measures to avoid messes and maintain a good trip.

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Next, see 5 tips for traveling by plane with kids and make the stretch calm and pleasant.

Enjoy the fun on board

It is common for planes to have small screens with cartoons, series and games.

However, parents need to take every type of entertainment possible, from magazines, tablets or cell phone games. After all, the flight can be long, tiring and the little ones need fun.

Make sure you bring all the necessary items.

Unlike car or bus trips, plane trips don't usually make stops and, when they do, you'll hardly be able to buy diapers or other hygiene items.

So, don't forget to pack everything your child will need during the flight to avoid inconvenience.

Pack snacks for the kids

The planes have in-flight service. However, snacks can be unhealthy and/or offered in small quantities.
Therefore, make sure you have snacks for the little ones, preferably with fruits and other fresh items, which can be taken on board.

Explain to your child how air travel works

Dialogue is the best way to prevent problems, including with children. So, explain what plane travel is like, that you need to sit with your seat belt and how long journeys can be.

Don't forget to ask the opinion of the little ones to find out how they feel more comfortable. If your child is still a baby, such a measure is not necessary.

If the situation gets tough, ask for help

Flight attendants are trained to deal with difficult situations, including with children.

If your child is having trouble sitting still or has crying spells, don't hesitate to call a member of the crew to help you.

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