Upon arriving at a hotel room, place your bags in the bathtub

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When arriving at a hotel after a long journey, the first thing many of us do is put our suitcases on the floor or on top of the bed. However, there is one practice that has gained popularity among savvy travelers: put the bags in the bathtub.

It may seem odd at first glance, but there is a surprising motive behind this seemingly pointless action. Check them out now!

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Ensures more hygiene and cleanliness

The idea of ​​putting the suitcases in the bathtub has to do with the search for hygiene and cleanliness during the stay at the hotel.

When we travel, our bags are exposed to a number of different environments, such as the cargo hold of an airplane, the trunk of a taxi and even the floordirty train station.

In these places, these objects can come into contact with dirt, germs and even unwanted insects.

Prevents the proliferation of bacteria in the room

By placing the suitcases in the bathtub, we are preventing these unwanted elements from spreading throughout the hotel room. The bathtub is a place that is usually cleaned and disinfected regularly by the housekeeping staff.

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Therefore, by placing the bags in this location, we reduce the risk of contamination and keep the room environment cleaner and healthier.

Avoid contact with the floor

By placing the bags in the bathtub, we are also avoiding direct contact with the floor. Even if the hotel room is apparently clean, it is important to remember that the floor can be a place wheredust, germs and bacteria.

By keeping the bags in the tub, we are ensuring that they are protected and away from these potentially harmful elements.

bed bug infestation

Another reason to put suitcases in the bathtub is to avoid bed bug infestation. These tiny insects are a common concern in hotels, as they can hide in crevices in mattresses and feed on guests' blood during the night.

By placing the suitcases in the bathtub, we make it more difficult for bed bugs to access our luggage, thus reducing the risk of someone taking it home after the trip.

Pay attention to other details

It is important to emphasize that this practice is not an absolute guarantee of hygiene and cleanliness, but it can be considered a simple preventive measure.

In addition to putting your bags in the bathtub, it is always recommended to check the cleanliness of the hotel room, change the sheets bed, cleaning frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs and light switches, and washing hands regularly.

Enjoy this idea

Putting your bags in the bathtub upon arrival at the hotel may seem like a strange practice, but it has a surprising reason behind it. In doing so, we are seeking to maintain hygiene and cleanliness during the stay, preventing contamination by dirt, germs and insects.

So the next time you arrive at a hotel, consider putting your bags in the tub and enjoy a cleaner, healthier stay.

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