Chances of extraterrestrial life decrease; see NASA's new discovery

For decades, scientists around the world, especially those linked to NASA, have focused on a search for life in other planets. Recently, there has been excitement in the scientific community around the possibility of extraterrestrial life, however, after a new discovery, the agency should discard this hypothesis.

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An Earth-like planet

Recently, NASA scientists have been excited about the discovery of a planet with Earth-like conditions. In this case, this one, like our planet, was orbiting an M dwarf star, which is the most common type of star in the universe. Since the planet has similar proportions to Earth, the life expectancy was considerable.

This is the planet called GJ 1252b, which has become a frequent object of observation for scientists. However, in a new discovery, with a more efficient analysis of this planet, it was possible to discover that, despite all the similarities, it differed from Earth in a very important matter.

In this case, scientists identified that the planet in question did not have an atmosphere, as ours does. That's enough to drastically, or completely, reduce the chances of finding life in that space. As you can imagine, this generated great dismay in the scientific community.

Chances of Discovering Life Beyond Earth

Moreover, this discovery did not just generate dismay because of one planet specifically. That's because, as we've already mentioned, planets orbiting M dwarf stars are very common in the universe, and the NASA has always considered that it would be possible, given similar circumstances, for them to look like Earth.

However, the discovery of the absence of an atmosphere on this particular planet could point to a pattern on the others. This means that the search for extraterrestrial life will become much more difficult, as the most anticipated point is outside the game. Still, rest assured that new research and data will still be raised in the future on this subject.

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