Learn how to make your dog like taking a bath

It's common for some dogs not to like to take a bath, many feel coerced by the bathing place or bothered by the noise of the dryer.

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It is important to make these moments pleasant for the pet, as they will happen frequently. Just imagine having problems whenever you go to bathe your four-legged friend? Then check out these tips how to make your dog like taking a bath.

Check out the tips for your dog to enjoy bathing

The bath should be a relaxing and calm time for the dog, if he doesn't feel well it's because something is wrong.

It could be the location, the fear of water or even some traumatic episode that he went through during the first baths.

  • The first tip is:

Watch out for the location! Choose to bathe your pet where the floor is not slippery, as it may make the dog feel insecure.

If you are used to bathing your dog in the bathroom, use non-slip cloths.

  • The second tip is:

Be careful with the water, choose to leave the water warm as this will help the dog to calm down and his muscles to relax.

The use of products such as shampoo must be chosen carefully at the time of purchase, opt for those that do not harm the eyes, they can be quite irritating when bathing.

  • The third tip is:

Do not start by pouring the water directly on the animal's muzzle and back, this can be seen as a "call for attention" and the dog may associate it with something negative.

Start praising and wetting the hind legs first and show that that bath won't hurt and then go up.

  • The fourth tip is:

If your dog is the type to have a favorite toy, bring that to the bath! Your dog may feel calmer and even be distracted by the object.

Pet Shop

A situation that can help and not leave your dog feeling threatened at bath time is to take him to the pet shop or bathroom and be groomed.

As it is a professional area, they are prepared and know how to act in the best way possible and leave the dog at ease.

And not to mention the smell of a pet shop dog is wonderful!

So, now that you know how to make your dog like taking a bath, take the opportunity to forward this article to that friend of yours who would also like to know.

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